Community-Supported Allows Free Admission.
Why Donate?
The Victorian Chautauqua is more than a great summer festival. It’s an open house event that celebrates a long tradition of educational and cultural programming that first put Mountain Lake Park on the map over a century ago. Whether it’s historical portrayals, lectures, live music, browsing vendors, or riding in a Ford Model T, attendees experience a lively and memorable day amidst the charm of days gone by.
The weekend festival is fully funded by grants and private donations of all sizes that allow free attendance for anyone. Destination tourism is on the rise with small towns becoming a growing interest among travelers. Increasing awareness of Mountain Lake Park helps local businesses, increases real estate values, and helps improve the general economy. Thank you, for your kind consideration!
Donate Online or By Mail
Donations can be made online by selecting the button below or by regular mail with a personal or business check. For larger amounts, paper checks bypass online service fees so every dollar you give is passed along to the festival. Mountain Lake Park Historical Association is the official 501(c)(3) nonprofit that oversees funding income and disbursements. Please make your check payable to MLPHA and mail it to 301 G Street, Mountain Lake Park, MD 21550. Specify in the memo line “VC.” Your donation is considered a tax-exempt contribution.
2023 Budget
Due to generous support in 2023, the Victorian Chautauqua closed with a balanced budget of roughly $60,000. Ambitious pursuits of grant funding, a fundraiser dinner, and private donations allowed this free festival to unfold without debt. Your support will ensure the Victorian Chautauqua is fully funded in the future. Ask about in-kind donations which could include services or products you offer. The fundraiser kick-off dinner is another way to support the festival. If you’re short on funds, donating time as a volunteer is another way to chip in and be an integral part of the festival while having a good time. Visit our Volunteers page to learn more.
Would you like to sponsor a specific performance or aspect of the Victorian Chautauqua? Let us know. See the outline below of how your sponsorship dollars are put to work.
A Gold Sponsorship showcases you or your business as a community partner with the Victorian Chautauqua and Mountain Lake Park. A shared marketing strategy will help grow event attendance while bringing favorable attention back to you! Gold Sponsorships are credited on all printed materials and online postings, announced during the festival weekend, and earn you four complimentary tickets to the fundraiser kick-off dinner that takes place on the evening of Friday, July 8. Email us for payment instructions. SEND EMAIL
Your company or individual name all printed materials and special mention online
Announced during events
In all press materials
Four complimentary fundraiser dinner tickets
A Silver Sponsorship can be applied to the overarching funding to help with all costs, such as promotional expenses, talent fees, and infrastructure needs for the event. Silver Sponsorship can also be attributed to particular performances with a fee within the donation range. Your contribution is acknowledged by name or business logo on all printed materials and online postings, announced during the festival weekend, and you earn a pair of complimentary tickets to the fundraiser kick-off dinner the Friday before the festival begins.
Your company logo [or personal name] on our website, banner, and printed collateral
Announced at the festival both Saturday & Sunday
Press acknowledgment
A pair of complimentary fundraiser dinner tickets
BRONZE SPONSOR $1,000-$1,999
A Bronze Sponsorship can make a huge difference in meeting overhead costs for the weekend festivities. Did you know a single tent rental can range from $1500 to $3000? All of the expenses to make a wonderful event can be collectively funded. All Bronze Sponsorships are credited on all printed materials by name or logo and in online postings, announced at the onset of the festival weekend, and earn you a complimentary ticket to the fundraiser kick-off dinner that takes place the Friday before.
Your company logo [or your name] on our website
Mentioned at the Opening Ceremony
Press acknowledgment
A complimentary fundraiser dinner ticket
PATRON $500-$999
Patrons are an important part of each fundraising cycle. It’s surprising how big of an impact a Patron Sponsor can make. Do you know that accommodations for traveling performers cost over $200 per night? With a full schedule, this expense adds up. Patron Sponsorships are credited online with a name or logo, listed on printed materials, and acknowledged throughout the festival weekend.
Your company logo [or your name] on our website
Listing on printed materials
Individuals names are listed
DONOR $100-$499
Donors can make a big difference in the bottom line. General expenses such as chair rentals, portable bathrooms, signage, programs, and technology needs can be offset. Donor Sponsorships are credited on online with a name or logo. Leverage your contribution with family, friends, or customers who will recognize you as an event partner.
Your company logo [or your name] on our website
Individuals are listed